Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Sense of Smell

Wow! Forty girls at GEMS today!!!!!

Today at GEMS, we used our sense of smell to identify and rank spices from Megan's kitchen. It was very interesting to see that while some people really liked things like cinnamon, others really liked taco spices. Here is the graph of how we ranked the smells.

Check out the pictures! We also saw a video on youtube.com that was made by UCDavis, called, "This is why we stay in school." Megan told us that this is like the research that she does at Georgia Tech. We are so excited that we will be going to her lab at Georgia Tech on October 5th. Megan puts "dots" on people and the computer watches the dots to help her figure out how they move. She looks at how hard they push down when they walk and other things. She told us that it was the same type of technology used to make the movie "Avitar." That is so cool!!!!

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